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    We decided to spruce things up and fix some things under the hood. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade.

We're in heat...I think.


Well-Known Member
My Kira is on her first heat right now and I noticed that her appetite has decreased...to be more precise her appetite for the "normal meal" but she doesn't reject some treats, of course!:)

Bailey's Mom

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New symptom: If you pass the house now, she's giving you notice that the big dog is bitchy. I really hope this isn't permanent. I liked that she was quiet and non-reactive.

The gnawing is so frenetic and extreme, I don't know how to describe it. The Marrow Wishbone is really taking a beating and sometimes she switches off to the antler, both are stained with blood. She must feel like her skin is crawling.

She didn't eat again this morning and we feed her at 5 am. She still wants dog bones and peanut butter in her Kong.
We attempted a short walk at 6 am (no other dogs out) but it was in the -30's, so we came back after a block.

This is going to be a long three weeks.


Well-Known Member
We attempted a short walk at 6 am (no other dogs out) but it was in the -30's, so we came back after a block.

You are great! I hate being cold and just open the door and let Izzy out for a pee and poop. She comes right back in as soon as she is done because she doesn't want to be out in -30 either! Good thing I live in the country and have that option!


Well-Known Member
I took my own advice and read through the old threads. I found information regarding the behaviour I can expect to see. My dog seems to be suffering - hormones! I thank everyone at the Forum for all the help I've received. Especially those members that responded to my pm's.

May I suggest that a specific, permanent, sub-category for Heat info be established - 50% of members will experience at least one heat with their animals. A dedicated link would help those members negotiate the pitfalls of this time. There's never enough info to soothe your worries....When your baby is hurting and confused, there us never enough info.

I would love that sub category - Our EM should be going through her1st heat soon. A little freaked out about it. LOL

Bailey's Mom

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I would love that sub category - Our EM should be going through her1st heat soon. A little freaked out about it. LOL

Yes, I agree, but I don't know how to bring it about. And if we did, it would have to break out the differences between each Mastiff's cycles. Some go early, my CC is average, almost nine months before starting, but I've heard of five and six months, and EM's being longer, up to 1 1/2 (but one here saying 10 months.) A reliable scale and, realistic symptoms, signs, as well as care and support info. Wouldn't it be great?!

jersey girl

Well-Known Member
My CC went into heat the first time at 9 months as well. She was very whiny, and even more of a Velcro dog if that's possible, and her energy dropped to an all time low. She didn't loose her desire for food though. I put the diaper on her at certain times, but she really didn't bleed much. She was obsessed with keeping herself clean, so I felt it was best to let her air out as much as possible. I did notice that when she would pee it would take her a few seconds to go....I think it was uncomfortable for her since she was swollen. When I spayed her I also had her stomach tacked. My girl isn't huge...she's 85 pounds, but she has a very deep chest and I didn't want to risk it.

Mooshi's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Mooshi has just been thru her third heat as this year we had planned on breeding her. Sadly the mating didn't take and we now have another year to wait for the next. TM s only come in to season once a year. The first sign is an increase in scent marking a few months before the bleeding starts. Then she becomes dog aggressive especially towards females. This can be weeks before a show of blood. She can go off her food and become almost sad looking. My male akita will show a huge interest in her a few days before she bleeds. He is desexed but still wants to follow her constantly and she wants nothing to do with him. Once the bleeding starts its heavy for a few days to a week or so but she does a good job of keeping herself clean. I help with unscented baby wipes if needed but otherwise I leave her natural. I don't like the idea of diapers or not letting her clean herself. It's much healthier to let her be natural and let the air get to her. Only once did i put a pair of my husband underwear on her and that was because my in laws have cream carpet and we went for dinner. I did notice that she bled more after exercise. But have never had any problems or unwanted attention because she let other dogs know to keep their distance. Season lasts about 3 weeks or so and then you have to watch out for a phantom pregnancy. Hope this helps. Any and all changes are to be expected and vary from dog to dog i believe. As long as there are no signs of illness you have to roll with it as it is.

Bailey's Mom

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Thank you so much MM. That is a clear and concise explanation of how it is with TM's and much of it will be true for all dogs. I'm so sorry that the mating didn't take, I was looking forward to puppy stories and pictures. Will the sire still be available for her next heat?

Bailey, my CC is in her full second week. The blood flow has increased. It is worst when she gets up from a nap....It's like it pools, and as she walks we get multiple large droplets. So, every time she gets up, I touch the area with a kleenex and collect the drops before they fall. By in large, we're keeping ahead of it between her cleaning herself and me catching what I can. I too don't want to diaper unless it becomes horrible. It's a natural process so I'll let it take it's course.

We have covered the furniture with black sheets and blankets. I'm doing a couple extra washes a week to keep these reasonably fresh. As I mentioned before, Daddy has left the big bed to me and my girl. Bailey is very active in the night, she's uncomfortable, so I'm up stroking her and reassuring her. This week she'll suddenly jerk into a sitting position and feverishly start licking herself. It's like she's been stabbed with a pin. When this happens she looks very confused and her eyes are pleading with me to do something to help. She loves having her belly massaged, so I do this quite a bit.

jersey girl

Well-Known Member
I believe it was a little under $300 for the tack. However, we had her spayed and had her hips done (PennHip) so I did get a bit of a discount for 3 procedures. I am sure price depends are your location. For me it's $300 well spent.

Bailey's Mom

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I believe it was a little under $300 for the tack. However, we had her spayed and had her hips done (PennHip) so I did get a bit of a discount for 3 procedures. I am sure price depends are your location. For me it's $300 well spent.

Okay, there's a new operation I haven't heard of "PennHip", would you please elaborate?

Bailey's Mom

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A new symptom presented itself early this morning, Bailey awoke suddenly and stated wretching, I got her off the bed and she threw up about seven times over the next half hour. It was all bile, no undigested food. We took her Marrow Wishbone away from her since she had chewed half of one arm off. We'd been picking up pieces for days, but last night she went into over drive on it and we were afraid that she'd swallowed some of the nylon plastic it was made off. At the centre is some marrow treat, but it is exceptionally hard to get to. Under ordinary circumstances I think this would be a great chew toy, but with the frenetic, hormone driven chewing, I'm amazed it lasted this long.

I am more convinced than ever that my girl is going through the equivalent of the worst of human menstrual cycles. I remember how bad they could be, how exhausting, pain that wouldn't stop and the deep lethargy and deep sleep that followed fighting it. No wonder some dogs become aggressive. My grand-puppy only had one cycle before they had her spayed and she became very aggressive and intolerant even with family members. Of course, she's highly aggressive to start with, it's no stretch to say this pushed her over the edge.

I wish there was more that I could do to soothe my baby girl, but just being patient and loving is the best any mom can do. I thank God that my husband is so understanding and supportive. She's curled up between us right now with her head on his leg.

jersey girl

Well-Known Member
Okay, there's a new operation I haven't heard of "PennHip", would you please elaborate?
It's basically an X-Ray of the dogs hips to determine if a dog has hip dysplasia. Taken from the PennHip site.....Our mission is to develop and apply evidence-based technology to direct appropriate breeding strategies aimed at reducing in frequency and severity the osteoarthritis of canine hip dysplasia.

PennHIP incorporates a new method for evaluating the integrity of the canine hip. It is accurate in puppies as young as 16 weeks of age. It has great potential to lower the frequency of CHD when used as a selection criterion.

Bailey's Mom

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This morning Bailey joined us at the breakfast table...getting back to normal...and she mooched the crusts from the toast...normal, but she still didn't eat her kibble till the afternoon. Blood flow has increased, but is still manageable without resorting to the diaper. She's very sad about not being able to go out (weather as much as her condition). Yesterday her drool turned to icicles, but today is colder. Our short walk at 6 am was through knee high drifts. My face was stinging from the cold. She is still not flagging (pulling tail out of way when scratched), so we haven't reached standing heat. I think it we've got another week before we see that.

DalCielo CC

Well-Known Member
On some of her cycles, Modena would stop eating for days. This last cycle her appetite increased and she gained a little.

It doesn't effect Dracara's appetite. She's a little pig and would eat in her sleep if we'd let her.

They both get a little clingy and will hop up in my lap and sleep, or lay on my feet and sleep. Modena gets a confused look and will stare at me for ten minutes at a time. It kinda gives me the creeps. Other than that it's pretty much business as normal.