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    We decided to spruce things up and fix some things under the hood. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade.

Lung Cancer - I might have it.

cinnamon roll

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She is doing okay.

Really tired and weak. But no nausea so that is a DEFINITE PLUS!!!

Honestly I don't have much more than that to update. This was the last chemo treatment, so now just waiting for a date for radiation to start.

Bailey's Mom

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Super Moderator
Well, it's been a week without updates...I haven't been on much, but I try to check this thread, is there any news? How is she feeling? What are the doctors saying? Info, please!

cinnamon roll

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Super Moderator
So sorry!!!!

She is doing Well!!!! Chemo is DONE!!!!

She starts Radiation I believe a week from Monday. And that will be daily treatments for 3 weeks.

So far Dr's are pleased with the results. If I am not mistaken I believe in 2.5 months she will have more xrays/mri done to look at the tumor.

I will be calling her tomorrow so I will verify everything and if there is a change I will let you know.

Bailey's Mom

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Super Moderator
Tell her we love her and we miss her presence on the Forum. AB said something hysterical the other day and I thought, MM would have had an equally hysterical come back. We Miss Her!

Good weather and her wonderful dogs and her marvelous husband are just the tonic she needs. So glad this didn't all happened in winter, it would have been so depressing.

Much love, much hugs from everyone here, both two and four legged.

Mooshi's Mummy

Well-Known Member
My friends and loved ones (and CR and AB hahahahahaha) hello!! Well where do I start? Terie (CR) has done such an amazing job of keeping you updated and informed I don't know what more to tell you. Chemo is finished, but you know this. Chemo was hell but you know this as well. Of the 6 sessions I ended up in hospital for 5 of them....not fun but here I still am. I am on LOTS of meds to control a torn muscle in my back caused from being so sick and they are working, stopping/controlling the spasms but they make me a zombie...I rattle like a bag of M&M's as I take 30 tablets a day including Diazapam and Gabopentin (spelling?) both of which make me very fuzzy headed and a little unsteady on my feet but I will take that over the debilitating pain any time. I have seen my consultant radiologist and start radiotherapy on the 11th. Side effects are fatigue, burning to the gullet and skin, all of which are manageable with more tablets I suppose. Normally they would also zap the brain at the same time as this cancer can spread to the brain but in my case they are holding back on that due to the tumour. They don't want to do more damage at the moment. Once my cell count and platelet count is somewhere near normal I will go back and see my neurologist and discuss tumour treatment and then hopefully they can give me further radiotherapy...its a pain in the arse and delays my cancer treatment but I trust my doctors to know what they are doing. I have a CT scan coming up next week so please don't uncross your fingers just yet but I am sure all will be as planned and well. I have no idea how long it is going to take to get back to a 'normal' life but believe it or not I am missing work!! Its funny what you miss when things are taken away from you when you haven't planned for them. On the flip side I get to spend my days with Bear and Mooshi, and days out are few and far between as I haven't exactly had very good white blood cell counts, therefore leaving me open to all sorts of bugs and infections....so I mostly stay home. Mooshi has become my shadow, literally! I cant even go for a pee without her laying outside the bathroom door. I tested her today to see how much she really would not let me out of her site...its not far. Bathroom, she was there. Garden, out she came. Bedroom, she lay on the bed. Basically I cant shit without that damn dog. LOL. As long as I am in her line of vision she is happy. We cant take her to the pub any more as she takes here guard duty very seriously and God forbid a server should walk towards me with a tray...she goes off her rocker to say the least. So my TM has turned in to a Fila...or a true blue TM...but ya know what I don't give a shite, she is doing what she should do. Mike continues to care for me above and beyond the call of duty, I could have never done this without him. You really never realise how much you are loved until someone basically takes you to the bathroom and waits for you to finish so they can help you to bed and never once complain about the dog walking, cooking, cleaning and constant worrying and caring. And then there are you all who send cards and gifts, there is Terie who updates when I cant and is a constant support, giver of love and true friendship. AB....what can I say....you spoil me, love me and are another true of the truest of friends without asking for a single thing in return. Everyone else who has prayed and sent wishes and cared and loved someone you have never met for a second in all your life I could have never done this without a single one of you. Please don't think I am ungrateful for a single second. My love is returned to you all. I am humbled and feel unworthy. You are ALL my mastiff family and I truly believe we can and will beat this and soon I will be back with you all on a regular basis...like it or not with my 'opinions' and love it or hate it humour. Hugs to you all. MM aka Tammy


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Staff member
Reading your post it shines out what a truely inspiring lady you are,the love and support you have is deserved.Good luck with your future treatments.Keep strong.xx

Bailey's Mom

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Super Moderator
Oh, sweetheart, I was so glad I checked this thread. It is so wonderful to have a newsy letter from you. I miss your "opinions" and your "humour." I haven't had a good laugh in a month.

So glad Mooshi is guarding her mommy, what a good girl! Good thing beer comes in take away bottles for those who can't pub. As for your wonderful husband, there are no words. We are in awe of his love and dedication.

I am keeping you healthy in my visualizations. Abundant Blessings on both the two- and four-legged members of your family.

Mooshi's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much. as for inspiring Im not sure I agree...you have two choices do or don't do, I just chose to do. What is inspiring is the support and love coming from people all over the world that I have never met. I hope that I will soon find the energy to get back to be a support and better friend to you all. You are all never out of my thoughts and I wish I could be here for you all more....whether you like it or not. LOL. One day soon I hope.


Well-Known Member
You are amazing. It's wonderful to see a post from you.
You and your family are in my daily thoughts.
Keep a positive attitude no matter how you are feeling. Enjoy your good days and don't overdo on your not so good days


Well-Known Member
Good to see you posting, Tammy! You are such an inspiration to us all! Titan and I send hugs and kisses to you and your babies!

Bailey's Mom

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Super Moderator
More news! More news, please! What's happening? It's three weeks since we've had an update. How is Tammy and her family doing? CR? Any updates?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm sure CR will give a fuller update but I spoke to Tammy this morning. She's feeling a bit crappy and tired from the radio therapy but is in good spirits. Hoping to catch up with her in a few weeks at a dog show providing she feels up to it. :)

Bailey's Mom

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Super Moderator
Thanks, Looby. I'm not on as much now that I'm working full time. So, I'm glad to hear she's doing okay, maybe not great, but, at least okay. If you see her, tell her I'm still visualizing her happy and healthy. Elizabeth