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    We decided to spruce things up and fix some things under the hood. If you notice any issues, feel free to contact us as we're sure there are a few things here or there that we might have missed in our upgrade.

4.5 months DDB with house training issues. (arg)


It's been awhile, but Sid is now 4.5 months. He was doing pretty ok with house breaking with the odd accident.
We have no nighttime or crate accidents ever).
We went away Spring break and he stayed with my Mom...no accidents at all! He's been back at home about 4 days and i thought we were house broken...until tonight.
Once again, I suppose we gave him too much freedom and he snuck away and pottied in another room. (and yes he had just been out an hour earlier and went outside)

We have done everything. Everything. He still gets treats if he goes #2 outside. We use the same door, and all the usual suggestions I have read here. (yes, even the bell thing too, but Sid just does not ring it)
But he does NOT ask to go out. He just slinks off and goes in another room. I am really starting to get frustrated with this.
Are these setbacks normal? I have never had a dog so difficult to house break.
I guess I should just start confining him again huh? Any advice or been there done that stories are welcome. I need to see the light at the end of this tunnel.
And for good measure- my not so biddy- Sid.
feb12-sid 4 months.jpg


Well-Known Member
We had the EXACT same problem with Branka... it was like the bedrooms (which are at the opposite end of the house from her kennel and the main living area) didn't count, they weren't part of the "no potty" zone to her. She seems to be over it now... Basicly I caught her in the act once in each room and startled her with an "eh eh!" (our version of NO!) and took her straight out, since being caught she wouldn't go in that room again. If it hadn't stopped with that my next step was going to be moving her kennel to each room for a few nights, I thought that might help her to see it as part of her living space.

Good luck!

He's a very handsome guy BTW :)


thanks all!
The not going where he sleeps and moving his crate makes a lot of sense. That will be our next step if needed.
Today almost as if Sid sensed my frustration here- he actually sat at a door today and looked at me...almost as if to say "I need to go". And when I let him out- he did his thing! I *think* that was his way of asking! I am so excited! He is such a quiet dog, so this is awesome! I hope he keeps it up!


Well-Known Member
Hey! We went through the same thing with Grady! Around 4 months he started peeing in the hallway that's out of the line of sight. He had been out, etc and wasn't having any accidents and then regressed! He would only go when we were not paying attention (which wasn't often!) like your boy. The good news is... that with constant supervision and saying NO! and continuing our regimen, he worked it out all on his own. We didn't punish him... just praised like crazy when he did well and made it clear we were not happy with the hallway mishaps and he stopped. He's been accident free for about 4 months now (He's 8 months) and everything is great! Now if we can just control that weapon of a tail!!! Sid is so freakin' cute!!! Hope all is well!